- Are you out of mind, Tomcat? 你疯了吗,雄猫?
- Are you insane? Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? 你疯了吗?少来这一套!
- Are you out of your senses? You'll be killed! 你疯了吗?你会丢了性命的!
- Monica: Oh my God, are you out of a job? 天哪,那你岂不是失业了?
- A: Are you out of the doghouse with your folks yet? 你爸妈饶了你没?
- Come on, you nitwit, Are you out of your head. 过来,你个笨蛋,你糊涂了?
- Why are you out of job for such a long time? 你为何失业这么久?
- Are you out of your mind, giving the baby matches to play with? 你发疯了,给孩子火柴玩?
- Are you out of your mind? chorused my mother and wife. “你是不是疯了?”我母亲和妻子不约而同地喊道。
- Why were you out of work for so long? 你为什么这么久没有工作呢?
- Are you out of your senses, to be accepting this man? 你疯了吗,你怎么会要这个人?
- Are you insane/ crazy/ out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)
- Pastor, are you out of your mind to ask us to take risks in faith in this huge storming season of economic downtime? 圣经里有多处教导,在特殊时刻的禁食,王后以斯帖决定冒死违例进宫见王,以扭转猷太人灭族的命运。
- Are you crazy /insane/ out of your mind? 你疯了吗?
- Please wait a minute, I'll go with you out of hand. 请等一下,我立即跟你走。
- The end is still unhappy. Out of sight, out of mind, I say. 结局仍然很不美满,我说眼不见心不烦。
- I want every man Jack of you out of this room by this evening. 我要你们每一个人今晚以前离开这个房间。
- Are you out of your mind? There's no way I can afford to go to Europe on my vacation! ---Hey, take it easy, it was just an idea! 你疯了吗?我根本去不起欧洲度假!---冷静点,只是提个建议而已。
- That practice has been going on time out of mind. 这种做法自古以来一直沿用。
- How are you going to worm out of the charge? 你将怎样推卸掉这一指控呢?